For the tenth episode of Freak Show, Orphans, the writers concentrate on the fan favorite character Pepper (Naomi Grossman) in a tragic, emotional story that illustrates just why this role is so beloved by fans. This is a powerful episode the illustrates the promise of American Horror Story. In the story, Pepper struggles to deal with the death of her companion Salty while Elsa shares Pepper's past with Desiree. Bring tissues. All this an more...
Welcome to The American Horror Story Fan Podcast: Freak Show. This the unofficial podcast about the hit FX Horror Television show American Horror Story by fans for fans as brought to you by and Now in its fourth highly anticipated season, the award winning genre show is set to push even more boundaries and break even more unimaginable taboos with Freak Show. The theme this season is a carnival struggling to survive in Jupiter, Florida in 1952. Returning to co-host the fan podcast are Doc Rotten and Thomas Mariani.
The American Horror Story Fan Podcast: Freak Show
Episode 10 – Orphans
Things to look forward to after the recap each episode are Doc providing his favorite Crazy Moment of the Week of the week and Thomas shares his favorite Outrageous Theory of the Week. Out of all the nutty things that show creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk could possibly shove into a single episode, what could Thomas possibly settle upon? And what theory could possibly come out of Doc’s warped mind to shed any light into the Freak Show's visual treats of wonder and horror? Listen to the podcast and find out.
We also want to hear from you! The American Horror Story Fan Podcast is designed with the fan in mind and listener feedback is encouraged. That’s right, we want to hear from you! To help you out, we have a Speakpipe account set up for you to leave your Voice Messages. Click on this link and leave Doc and Thomas your thoughts. What are your theories? What was the craziest moment of the show? Who’s your favorite character? Which character do you despise the most? The service is free and no number is required, all you need is a PC and mic.